数学专业是围绕核心必修课程设计的,为计算数学和理论数学提供了坚实的基础. Beyond this core, 纯数学和应用数学的选修课是为了满足学生的愿望,包括与学院的任何其他定量专业的双学位, pursuing graduate study in mathematics or a cognate field, 或者建立一个需要强大数学背景的职业. 然而,并不是所有主修数学的学生都有长期的定量兴趣. Recent math majors have doubled with classics, English, language and culture studies, music, and theater and dance.



The math department’s learning goals can be found HERE.


To earn a major in mathematics, 学生必须完成总共十门课程,每门课程至少一个学分,200级或以上. 这些课程的选择必须满足以下要求. 注意,学生可以选择完成普通数学专业,这为学生在纯数学和应用数学方面提供了广泛的基础, 或者可以选择主修应用数学. In both cases, 学生每门课程的成绩必须达到C或以上,才能计入这些要求. (In the case of Math 205, the minimum grade requirement is C+.)

Requirements for general major in mathematics

  • Calculus requirement
    MATH 231
  • Linear Algebra requirement
    Either MATH 228 or MATH 229. 学生可以选修这两门课程以获得大学学分,但只有一门课程可以计入数学专业所需的十门课程.
  • Introduction to Proof requirement
    Math 205. 学生必须在数学205或数学228中获得C+或更高的成绩.
  • Writing Intensive Part II requirement
    MATH 307 and MATH 331. At least one of these courses must be taken at Trinity.
  • Electives
    • 学生必须选修两门200级或以上的课程. Each course must carry a minimum of one credit. 最多可以从下面的同源课程列表中选择一门课程.
    • 学生必须另外选修两门300级或以上的数学课程, not including Math 399 or 497. 以下没有同类课程将被计算在这个要求的实现中.
  • Capstone requirement
    Students must take one 400-level seminar course.

Requirements for concentration in applied mathematics

  • Calculus requirement
    MATH 231
  • Linear Algebra requirement
    Either MATH 228 or MATH 229. 学生可以选修这两门课程以获得大学学分,但只有一门课程可以计入数学专业所需的十门课程.
  • Introduction to Proof requirement
    Math 205. 学生必须在数学205或数学228中获得C+或更高的成绩.
  • Writing Intensive Part II requirement
    MATH 309 and MATH 331. At least one of these courses must be taken at Trinity.
  • Differential Equation requirement
    MATH 234
  • Electives
    • 学生必须选修一门200级或以上的选修课,至少有一个学分. 这门课程可以从下面的同类课程中选择.
    • 学生必须另外选修两门300级或以上的数学课程, not including Math 399 or 497. 以下没有同类课程将被计算在这个要求的实现中.
    • Of these three electives:
      • (i) one must be either MATH 316 or MATH 334
      • (ii)另一个必须从数学209,数学237,数学316,数学334中选择
  • Capstone requirement
    Students must take one 400-level seminar course.

List of approved cognate courses

  • CHEM 309L. Physical Chemistry I
  • CHEM 310. Physical Chemistry II
  • CHEM 316L. Physical Biochemistry
  • CPSC 320. Analysis of Algorithms
  • ECON 312. Mathematical Economics
  • ENGR 212L. Linear Circuit Theory
  • ENGR 225. Mechanics I
  • ENGR 301L. Signal Processing and Applications
  • ENGR 303L. Analog and Digital Communication
  • ENGR 312. Automatic Control Systems
  • ENGR 337. Thermodynamics
  • ENGR 346L. Computational Neuroscience
  • ENGR 362L. Fluid Dynamics
  • PHYS 232L. Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics
  • PHYS 300. Mathematical Methods of Physics
  • PHYS 301. Classical Mechanics
  • PHYS 302. Electrodynamics
  • PHYS 304. Statistical and Thermal Physics
  • PHYS 313. Quantum Mechanics
  • PSYC 221L. Research Design and Analysis

Not all mathematics courses are offered each year. To help students to plan their schedules, 以下是最近200级及以上级别课程的开课频率. These are subject to change according to student demand.

  • Courses offered every semester: MATH 205, 228, 229, 231, 234, 400
  • Courses offered every year: MATH 307, 309, 331
  • Courses offered every other year: 数学209、214、237、253、305、306、308、316、318、326、332、334、341

For a summary sheet of requirements for the Mathematics Major, click here.

虽然学生可以在大二的秋季学期开始学习数学专业, 本系建议没有微积分学分的准专业学生采用以下典型的课程安排:

Year Fall Spring
First 131 132
Sophomore 231, 205 228 or 229, elective
Junior 307 or 309, elective 331, elective
Senior elective 400 level seminar course


Study away: Students of mathematics have many opportunities to study away, but all of them require a certain amount of early planning. Students are strongly encouraged 尽早与导师或系主任讨论计划,因为数学系的许多课程不是每年都开设的. Well-prepared students should consider the Budapest semester in mathematics; more information on this program can be found on the study-away website.

许多英语国家的海外留学项目提供广泛的数学课程,这些课程将计入专业. For specific advice, please consult the department chair. 如果学生觉得自己已经足够精通一门语言,可以用外语学习数学课程,他们应该与他们的导师讨论这个问题. 在国外学习数学课程的学生应该意识到,遵循欧洲模式的大学所涵盖的材料顺序与美国大学有所不同,而且课程主要是讲座,导师的反馈远少于信誉最好的网投十大平台的典型情况.

Honors: Honors in mathematics, 在荣誉候选人大四的春季由院系投票授予, is earned by:

  • 所有200级及以上的数学课程成绩不低于B-;
  • 在不包括数学399和数学497在内的至少四门300级课程中取得a -或以上的成绩
  • 就学生特别感兴趣的数学领域撰写并发表一篇合适的论文.

学生必须在大三下学期向系主任申请荣誉候选人资格. Upon acceptance, the candidate, together with the department chair, 将选择一名荣誉导师来指导荣誉论文. 学生将在三年级春季学期的最后一天提交论文开题.

荣誉论文不一定是一个新发现的数学结果, but it is expected to be a balance of the historical, biographical, and mathematical aspects of the topic. 该项目将在不迟于春季学期最后一天上课前一周向荣誉顾问提交最终草案. 正式的陈述将由候选人不迟于(1)的荣誉验证截止日期前一天, and (2) the deadline for submission of senior grades. 完成荣誉论文的指导方针可以从系主任处获得.

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